
Calls From the Front Line

150 150 Penny Paucha

  During the past year we’ve fielded two kinds of phone calls from healthcare leaders in Ontario:   The first type of call is from committed health care professionals whom we have trained in complexity leadership. They say that during their training with us, years ago, the idea of using different skills in complexity was…

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Navigating Turbulence in an OHT Climate: Traps and Remedies

150 150 Sharon Lewis

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Peter Drucker As a health care leader, you’ve known for a long time that decisions about the health of local populations need to be made at a local level. You also know how critical it is for…

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Taking the High Road in Leadership Thinking

150 150 Penny Paucha

It’s all in your thinking: how the mind influences your leadership style Have you ever wondered how the world’s most successful leaders make effective decisions and influence others? The key is in the way they think and focus their attention – an approach researchers call the Wise Advocate. The Wise Advocate is your inner voice…

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The Formula for Change

150 150 Penny Paucha

I was at the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO) Conference last week listening to Deputy Minister Bob Bell talk about system integration and building a care community. What became clear is this:  We know what to do, and we know why we want to do it, but we are stuck at how. As Globe…

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